Rental Services
Rancho Realty Services (Manitoba) Ltd. provides rental services to unfurnished individual condominium units and houses. Currently, we manage a diverse portfolio throughout Winnipeg consisting of over 2,000 units and growing.
Below are Rental Property Management Services Rancho Realty provides:
Rancho will do all leasing, which includes placing advertisements, showing the suite to prospective tenants, processing prospective tenant applications, checking tenants’ references, confirming prospective tenants’ income and previous resident history.
As an additional service, Rancho will arrange for a credit report through a Credit Bureau from Equifax to be done on prospective tenants. This enables an owner to know whether the prospective tenant has had any bad debts in the last 6 years and how they pay their credit cards, etc.
Rancho will collect the rent each month, including any N.S.F. cheques, and any other amounts billed under the tenancy. All receipts will be deposited in Rancho’s trust account. For any amounts which cannot be collected, Rancho will arrange for them to be placed with a collection agency.
Rancho will handle all tenant disputes, including non-payment of rent and arbitrator hearings.
Rancho will pay invoices from the suite’s cash flow as instructed by the owner (i.e.. condo fees, & property taxes).
Rancho will provide a monthly Statement of Receipts and Disbursements plus copies of any invoices paid during the month by the 15th of each month and remit the excess cash flow, as instructed by the owner.
All of Rancho’s Rental Property Managers are licensed and insured.
On an annual basis, Rancho will inspect the inside of the leased premises.
Rancho will provide 24 hour emergency service. This will enable the tenant to contact a Rancho Property Manager in cases of emergency.
Rancho will look after any work necessary at the leased premises but only after obtaining the owner’s approval except in cases of emergency.
Rancho will issue all rent increases under the terms of the Residential Tenancy Act, as instructed by the owner.
Rancho will arrange for an inspection on all incoming tenants to note down the condition of the premises when it was originally leased. Rancho will also perform an inspection on all vacating tenants. The difference between the two inspections will be deducted from the tenant’s security deposit with the exception of reasonable wear and tear.